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Friday, May 27, 2011

huhuhuxx,,couple kerr?

hallo kaw org,,liyana disini uke!!,,
na ce nie...some1 melamar tok jdik couple yana,,
u all rase,,yana accept o ta?!

jwpan nye,,ACCEPT!,,udak merlimau,,
nme die Iman,, rasenye,,die bule bimbing yana kowt,,

tpi,,camne eak?!buleh ker yana jdik awex die yg buleh bhgie arn die??!
pnoh dngan persoalan!,,

ry nie,,daa start cuti,,so,,kali nie,,bercuti dngan kerja sekolah yang melambak!!,,
pning pale,,nie diri nie,,rase cam naa demam,,!!tngok jewp laa,,demam nanti yana nie!..

sue besme yana untok menyiap arn folio!,,
due folio auu,,,!bengang siak!!..

itu sjew dri yana..naa buad kje skul nan sue yg melmbak nie!...


Rushing Island said...

You hut..

Rushing Island said...

You hut..

Rushing Island said...

and sexy.. why dont u love me???
According 2 my personalities, u and me the same. You make friends, me 2. But our dreams r different, I wanna be a English singer and meet Akon, JB, Taylor, Archie and others... But u wanna be a something else. Why don't u love me? I guess u and i are the perfect match..

Liyana Lisya said...

its uke...
never mind...
i not interested with u..
